Like many men, PATRICK O'CONNOR is a huge fan of CHAD BROCK. When I told PATRICK I was setting him up with CHAD, the first thing he did was ask for a blindfold. It wasn't that he didn't want to see CHAD's face, he explained—he just didn't want to get so overwhelmed by who it was that he missed out on even the smallest sensation of what they were doing. "I want to be completely immersed," he said.
After choking on CHAD's cock during a slow, thorough, face-fucking deep throat, PATRICK moans and grunts with pleasure overload as he's fucked by CHAD's tongue, mammoth dick, and a dildo (in turn and together). In the end, the wordless and breathless bottom expresses the depths of his appreciation the only way he can: by gratefully licking CHAD's spilled spooge from the floor.