two men and a dog

Scene 2 from sexpigs in a man-tramp promised land
CHASE ACLAND And ZACK ACLAND Double Team A Happy Cumdump Named PUP VINO.
Chase Acland and Zack Acland double-team a good boy named Pup Vino, filling both of his happy holes with their cream-filled milk bones.
For the first time in human history, there’s no reason why all men shouldn’t be fucking all the goddamn time. We don’t need babies anymore—-there are way-the-fuck too many as it is! We don’t need for men to work constantly—-automation and computers are making our labor redundant and unnecessary. The great question facing men now is this: what do we fuckin’ do with all this free time? I say take yer bloated drippin’ dick in hand and let it lead you to the manslut promised land!